Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Roof Theatre - a multicultural event

Roof Theatre works in a multicultural environment, where each culture reflects the complexity and variety of the global society. Multiculturalism is a way of absorbing every influence, as a total osmosis where each culture can express its own identity.
Tolerance is not a contemplative position, but rather a dynamic attitude consisting in previewing, understanding and promoting the difference in the other.
Human cultural diversity is a wonderful fact that deserves our best attention: it's behing us, surrounding us, in front of us- it's within us. The only demand we can make is for it to happen in a way in which each culture becomes a contribution for more expression of generosity in the other.

Culture is the mirror of all theatrical and ritual manifestations in societies.
Roof Theatre proposes to find a) the basis for a new Transcultural communication through performance and b) the Extracultural basis for the actors creative process.

Where can the western performer find the material to create the basis of his art?
The essential is the collective movement, the alive aspect when society becomes aware of itself.
Each culture, each person, brings within a repertoire to transmit messages: stylized gestures, ways of dancing, silences, feelings, stories, believes- but the responsability of theatre goes further then a sociological and anthropological perception. What a book can't translate, a painter can't illuminate, a philosopher can't truly express, and a film can't make you sense becomes aware to society through PERFORMANCE.

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